Five ways to improve your Garden; Ask a Professional Gardener: Our Best Summer Garden Maintenance Tips

There are a number of ways to improve your garden and allow us to share five of them.

  1. Water Your Garden
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Summer is a warm period when plants start thriving however the warm period causes the plants the soil to lose moisture quickly. All the plants in your garden require to be watered with at least an inch of water per week. You should be aware that how you water the plants is as important as when you water the plants. The best time to water the garden is in the morning so the water evaporates during the day. Always water at the plants base and avoid leaves to reduce disease.

  1. Deadhead flowers, Mow and Edge

Some feel that summer is the best time to prune the plants since they are experiencing fast growth, however it is wise to keep all the pruning in the spring. You should rather deadhead flowers. Deadheading is removing dried flowers just pinch or cut off the flower stem below the spent flower. Mowing and edging are also suitable to keep the garden neat.

  1. Strategically Shade the Garden

Too much direct sunlight can harm young plants giving the plants a translucent shade during summer is often necessary to keep them healthy. You can consider mulching as a way of reducing the evaporating water and heat reaching the roots.

  1. Fertilize the Garden

Plants need fertilizer to get the necessary micronutrients and macronutrients to remain strong and healthy. Midsummer is the most optimal time to fertilize your garden. The plants soak up nutrients from the roots so be sure to spread the fertilizer around the roots.

Having a beautiful garden is amazing, but the maintenance can be a lot. If you need some help, consider enlisting us! If you are in need of a professional gardener this season, feel free to contact us for a quote. To talk more about this, or anything else, please Contact Us. Thanks.

Published by Bengula Jacob

An Economist and professional writer with lots of experience in IT. I help clients share their ideas on the web by helping them draft copies to draft on the internet. You can contact me when you need an Amazon listing, product reviews, blog posts, web content, landing pages, and SEO content.

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